Month: May 2017
Goalie and First Goal
Megan is loving soccer and has fun playing with her new friends. She was goalie for awhile on her last game and kept the ball from going in a few times. She can honestly say that she made the very last goal in the last second of the game because they had been told that the game would be over after that play.
Soccer Weekend
Andrea played in two soccer games this weekend. They played the same team both times (home and away) and they played hard. Her team did not win, but Andrea had a lot of fun!
This year, Andrea is on a new team. She plays with Elkhart United. The youngest players are 14 and the oldest ones are 18. I am not sure how she got in such a mixed group, but she likes all the girls and said they are very friendly. Because of the age range, her team can only play U18 or higher teams. It is a challenge; playing teams that are older, but one that Andrea enjoys.
Already this year we have seen improvement on Andrea’s skills. Her coach is training her on a second position which is encouraging. She still struggles a little playing mid field. She said that her job as mid field is trying to always be behind the ball. It is a lot of running and turning quickly. She does better each time she plays.
Next weekend is another busy weekend with two away games.
Butterfly Presentation
This weekend, Audrey did two presentations at Wellfield Botanical Gardens for their 2017 Education Symposium. She was the youngest one there but did excellent presentations.
Her first talk was over lunch (always a difficult time) on the basics on raising Monarchs. She explained how she became interested and how to easily, and simply, raise them at home.
Then she spoke on helping to keep the Monarch population healthy. She discussed some of the diseases and parasites that are common with Monarchs. Audrey shared ways to help the population to grow and encouraged the planting of butterfly gardens.
This is only the first of her scheduled programs for this year. She is also scheduled to help at a school and a library for some programs. One of the ladies present had heard her before and mentioned that she will recommend Audrey for another program.
After the presentations, Allan picked up the rest of the children and we enjoyed roaming the gardens. It was a relaxing way to spend a few hours!
May the Fourth
Spring Flowers

Every year, the kids and I search for our favorite flowers. We still have not found any Hepatica, but will keep looking.
The weather was strange enough this year that the Bloodroot was very rare. I was glad to find the one blossom we did.
Megan’s Soccer Games
Megan is playing soccer at at new place this year. She is very excited about her team and what she is learning.
I like soccer. I think it is fun. All my team mates like to make goals. They are friendly and I have very much fun playing with them.
My first game was good. The other team won, but we had lots of fun. I was being the goalie. I had one (ball) not get in and the other get in. I tried to make some goals. It is hard to make goals!
My big sisters are my coaches. They make us work hard but still have fun.
Megan’s games are with GYSO at Goshen College. The first half is warm up and practice and the 30 minute game starts on the hour. Depending on the coaches, they may start a little early. She always plays on field 1 which is by the entrance to the soccer fields. Her schedule for the remaining games is:
- 1 May at 6:30
- 8 May at 6:30
- 15 May at 5:30
- 22 May at 5:30
- 31 May at 5:30
- 5 June at 6:30