Puzzle Contest

Megan's puzzleTonight’s entertainment was a puzzle contest.  Each contestant chose a 100 piece puzzle and then raced to see who could finish first.  Megan had a slight handicapped and worked on her 9 piece farm puzzle.  Allan and I worked together, attempting a 300 piece puzzle.

Unfortunately, we forgot to time how long it took to finish the puzzles.  But all six puzzles were completed in less than two hours.  The winner–anyone who completed their puzzle–won a chocolate kiss.Allan's puzzlePuzzles

Joy in Little Things

Take off It snowed about two inches last night.  We have been waiting for it, so everyone was ready to go outside and play.

Adrian really wanted to go sledding, so he built a snow hill on our patio steps. He packed snow up the first four steps and then had fun sliding down them.  His joy over his personal sledding hill was very evident.  He played on his hill until he got cold and came in for some hot chocolate.


Sledding excitement

Hint of snow

On our drive to Canada, it started to snow. When we got up Saturday morning, we enjoyed a hint of snow on everything.

Megan did not remember the snow from last year and especially enjoyed learning about it. She did not enjoy how slippery it could be though.  We played outside until her nose and cheeks were a pretty pink, then we went inside to enjoy the warmth of the fire.