We promised to take the kids sledding this winter. Today was the first time we could go with Allan. We had fun, but it was cold and we did not stay long.
Author: Joyce
Tapping Maple Trees
Valentine Day Flowers
The Eyes Have It
Going Outside
Ever since Megan was born I have taken her outside. She loves being out, even in the cold!
If we take a walk, she is bundled facing me. She almost always falls asleep on our walk. Today though, she wanted to watch the kids go sledding, so she was facing out for the first time. As you can tell from this picture Allan took, she really liked it!
My Boyfriend
I love watching Allan interact with the kids. I am so very thankful for a husband who enjoys his children! He works very hard for us and still has time to make us all laugh and know we are very much loved by him.
I love (and respect) you Allan. I am glad that God gave you to me!
P.S. Happy Half Birthday 🙂
Megan is growing quickly! She is able to hold her head up better. She loves to follow and watch people. It is so much fun watching her eyes tracking whatever she is looking at.
Her hair is starting to thin out. I should say, fall out! It is very strange to find pieces of black hair wherever she has been.
Megan had her first major cold. She had a 101 fever this weekend and was very congested. We are very thankful that God healed her quickly. Babies and fevers are not a good mix. While she is still not feeling her best, she is almost better. We love seeing her smiles again.
Because of her cold, her voice sounds funny. Mark thinks she sounds like a penguin (Gorp! Gorp!) and has her dressed in white and navy, like a penguin.
Red Birds
While at the park today for Adrian’s Science Class, the bird feeder was a major distraction. The birds and squirrels were very active this morning. The kids even got to see a Red Tailed Hawk close by.
Matthew 6:26Â (NASB) Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?