While in Franklin, we went exploring for fun places to eat.  While we enjoyed our dinners, the candy and ice cream store was a favorite.  Hoosier Cupboard Candy and Snacks is full of candy that we enjoyed growing up.  It is located in the old train depot, so whenever a train comes through and the store is open, whoever is working encourages everyone to join them as they go out and wave at the train.
There is lots of candy to chose from. Â We each tried a different truffle and enjoyed them all. Â Then we also brought home some ginger drops and anise squares from the nickle candy bin.
If you are wanting ice cream though, I would recommend trying theirs.  Their scoops are huge, but very reasonably priced. They are open as long as people are coming in the store, so if you are driving by Franklin IN, and wanting ice cream, check to see if they are open.
We were so excited to be able to stay at the Ashley Drake Inn again during Andrea’s tournament. Â It has been a few years since being there, but Kim Smith treated us as old friends and we enjoyed time to catch up some.
We stayed in the Heritage Room which was plenty big for the three of us. Â Kim still makes wonderful breakfasts and has a large selection of tea to chose from.
After Andrea’s tournament, we had hoped to explore. However, it started to rain, hard, and we stayed inside most of the afternoon relaxing. Â Just for fun, we experimented with my camera!
The Inn’s garden is just starting to bloom and I am sure it will be beautiful once all the flowers pop.  Kim sent us home with mint starters and some flowers for Audrey’s butterflies.  We are hoping that they all survived the trip!
Andrea has enjoyed being able to sub for a younger team that practices with her. Â She enjoys the girls and is learning new skills because the girls play differently.
Yesterday, Andrea was going to sub in a game near Fort Wayne.  We had a map and directions for street 11.  However, the street address was supposed to be 11a. We spent over 35 minutes searching for the soccer field, asking at four different places for help. The whole time we were within 5 miles of the field!
Andrea made it to the soccer fields 10 minutes late but was still able to play.  One girl came just after her and one of the moms commented that many had trouble finding the field.  And all because the address was missing an “A”.
The game went well.  In the first half, our girls scored 5 points.  We could not figure out why the other team improved so much during the second half.  Andrea told us on the way home that Coach promised the girls when they made 9 goals, after that, unless they headed the ball into the goal, that girl would have to sit on the bench for the rest of the game.  The girls made one goal, and then missed the goal the rest of the game.  But, they made all the attempts on goals look really good.
I love playing soccer. Today I played on a different team because the other team did not have enough players, they only had three. Â So I played for them so everyone could play the whole game.
I liked it. I tried two goals. They did not make it.  One was really, really, close. My last two, I got two goals.  After my first goal, Momma gave me a big hug.  I gave Momma a hug.  I had a really big smile. I hope that I play with that team again. It was fun and the coach was really really nice. We had a tie 3:3!
I kicked the ball!
It went in!
We were really proud of Megan’s goals, even if they were for the other team! Because the younger teams do not keep score, some coaches like “borrowing” a player. Â The kids love that they get to play longer.
The referee mentioned that Megan does slow motion goals.  She kicks the ball and we watch the ball slowly roll into the goal.
P.S. Â Andrea and Allan took all the pictures today. Â Didn’t they do great?
Meet one of the saddest looking dogs that I know. Even after a fun day playing in the sun, he has not learned to smile!
This is Thor, our newest adopted family member!
We had been discussing getting a pet for awhile. Megan kept asking sweetly for a puppy. We enjoy fish, but they don’t seem to do well for us. Cats are okay, as long as they are the neighbor’s extremely friendly barn cats. The kids have adopted the neighbor’s alpacas too. But that is not the same as a pet friend who lives with us.
About three weeks ago, we heard about a dog who’s owner was moving to a smaller house and could not bring his 5 year old English mastiff with him. Allan decided to go visit the dog. He seemed like a nice dog, obedient and got to know Allan quickly. Then I went to visit and thought he was BIG and SLOBBERY.
We talked about it. We decided to take the kids without letting them know why we were looking. Then Megan saw a video with big dogs. She started talking more about how she wanted a dog. A big dog, like a horse!
The kids really liked Thor. It did not take long for him to warm up to Mark though Megan complained he was not big enough. I still thought he was BIG and SLOBBERY.
We prayed more for wisdom. Thor came to live with us five days after Allan first met him. And our house has changed.
Thor seems to be a great dog. He rarely barks, and when he does, we pay attention. After some one throws the kong for him to chase, Thor will happily come inside and rest by someone. He obeys everyone, except Megan. I don’t think he understands her language.
Thor is learning that he belongs. He claimed Mark and, though stairs are hard for him, he chose to sleep downstairs in Mark’s room. He sits on the porch watching the kids do school work or play. When we had a storm, he came into our room–he is not allowed– and, just like one of my sick kids, wanted me to comfort him. Then he slept on the floor until the storm passed. He makes the rounds every night to be sure everyone is tucked in before he curls up by Mark’s bed.
I still think he is BIG and SLOBBERY. But I like him.
This year, we enjoyed Easter at our house after church. We kept the afternoon simple and enjoyed spending time with family. It was wonderful relaxing and talking while watching the children play with each other.
In January, Audrey was invited to a nearby elementary school to meet with three teachers. They were hoping to raise Monarchs with their classes and maybe help with a few gardens in the area and around their school and wanted to find an expert to help. They questioned Audrey about Monarchs and then invited her to speak to their students.
On Thursday, Audrey spoke to three fifth grade classes. The classes had only been told that a Monarch expert would be sharing with them. The teachers thought the “shock” of seeing someone just a few years older them them would be good for the groups.
The students were interested in what Audrey was saying and asked some great questions. Audrey did a wonderful job talking with a 60+ audience! She offered to help with their Monarch project and even gave the teachers her butterfly e-mail so the students will be able to ask questions. She is excited to help and see where this leads!
Between what we share and what we use, we needed more soap. We decided to experiment this year.
Most everyone liked the orange and the peppermint soaps last year but we wanted to make them prettier. Josh requested a soap using bacon grease, beer and coffee. So we learned how to use lard in a few of our recipes. We know that pumpkin is great for the skin, so we tried adding pumpkin. Mark wanted more licorice mint because that is his favorite, but he requested a few changes.
Some of the soaps turned out great! Others we do not plan on making again. It is fun being able to take what we have learned from our friend Mrs. Klaussen, improve on it and be able to share.
Daddy’s band has been practicing the song Espana Cani. They thought it would be fun to have a bull come and entertain some students at a school they were giving a concert at.
Daddy volunteered the kids. We said sure. Mark was supposed to be the bull, but he was too tall and could not see out of the eye holes very well and the outfit pulled and looked funny while he walked. So Andrea became our bull.
We kept playing with ideas and finally decided to portray “Ferdinand”. Megan was a baby bull who kept trying to get Ferdinand and the Matador to fight. It never worked. After a temper tantrum from our matador, Ferdinand apologized, gave the matador the flowers she loved and the new friends skipped happily away with the little bull following.
The students seemed to really watching the girls’ performance. The band was slightly distracted and Daddy said that they made a few mistakes–I doubt anyone else heard!
The weather was perfect for making ice candles this afternoon! Adrian filled balloons up with water and we let them sit outside all afternoon. After dinner, we dumped the water that did not freeze and then lit candles inside the hollow ice ball.