
NapIt was such a beautiful day, that I decided a walk sounded nice.  We waved at all the buses going to pick up children after school.  We counted horses and talked about our favorite puppies on the street.

And, we enjoyed Megan falling asleep in the stroller on the way back 🙂

Another Study in Blue

AsleepWhen Megan was little, I took a picture of her sleeping on this blue background.  When Mark brought up this blue plaid shirt he loves Megan to wear, I knew I wanted to repeat the “Study in Blue“.

FeetHer shirt is the matching one from two years ago (we had bought matching ones for Mark and Andrea when they were tiny). I had thought to change her into overalls, but I like the jeans.  She still sleeps like a toddler, but that is changing too.

I am especially proud of these pictures.  I have been attempting to use M (manual) on my camera and these are the first pictures that I did using light from the window and all the settings set manually without any help.Sleep
