Fire Pit

This weekend, we had Allan’s cousin and family over. Allan got some of the kids to help him dig a fire pit. We had been talking about building one in the woods for awhile.

The pit turned out very well! The boys and Allan did most of the digging, Andrea was our photographer and helped with the construction. Allan and his dad worked on the brick laying. Mark and Uncle Kai made a wonderful dinner for everyone.

We enjoyed the fire, roasting marshmallows, eating s’mores and being able to relax together.

Only a Dad

Only a Dad
Edgar A. Guest (1916)

Only a dad but he gives his all,
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing with courage stern and grim
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen:
Only a dad, but the best of men.

Thank you God for such a wonderful Daddy to my kids!

Bathing Beauty

It has been very hot the last few days. Andrea decided that Megan needed to put on her bathing suit and learn how to play in the sprinkler. Megan enjoyed it as long as someone was holding her. If the sprinkler was on while she sat in the grass, she cried.

Princesses Picking Petals

Today is Audrey’s Birthday Eve.  She and Andrea dressed up as beautiful princesses and then picked some flowers for the dinner table.

I loved watching the cars go by as they chose their flowers. Most of the men just drove by. The women would watch the girls for a little bit with huge grins on their faces.

I pray that all my princesses grow up knowing how special and beautiful they are. I pray that they will learn to know their heavenly father in a deep way that shines through everything they do. And I pray that their lives will draw many to our Awesome Father God.


Sweet Trouble!

My guest writer today is Adrian. He tells this story much better than I can.

Today, when the boys were cleaning their room, Momma called for us. Megan got in trouble! She was trying to eat the top of her crib. She got in trouble again. She was holding on to the top of her crib. She kneeled on her knees. She got into trouble again. She was standing in her bed! Mark and me laughed. Then she was kneeling on her knees laughing! My little Megan is growing up!

Momma says that Megan is growing up to fast! I like that she is growing up so I can play with her more. I love Megan!