Last Game

Andrea defending the goal. Even though both girls went down, Andrea was up first and got the ball away from the goal.

Andrea played her last game with Flames on Saturday.  She will try out for high school soccer in a few days!

She has played with the same set of the girls–with few changes–for the last few years.  Her team has improved a lot!  Instead of a bunch of individual players, they work as a team now. Andrea has improved in her ability also.  She is a much more confident player!

Her coach wrote a note expressing how hard the team worked this season. He told us that this year the U14 girls’ team won 18 times.  They had 10 shutouts in a row (which is 700 minutes of scoreless soccer 🙂 ).  They lost two times and tied twice.  The team scored 44 goals, but only had 5 goals get past them.

As we watched Andrea improve, we also had the privilege to see a diverse group of girls from different schools and backgrounds grow also as a team. I am praying that Andrea’s new team will provide her with some strong friends that encourage and push each other to become better soccer players and young ladies.

Hoosier Cupboard Candy

IMG_1973_shareWhile in Franklin, we went exploring for fun places to eat.  While we enjoyed our dinners, the candy and ice cream store was a favorite.  Hoosier Cupboard Candy and Snacks is full of candy that we enjoyed growing up.IMG_2105_share  It is located in the old train depot, so whenever a train comes through and the store is open, whoever is working encourages everyone to join them as they go out and wave at the train.

IMG_2107_shareThere is lots of candy to chose from.  We each tried a different truffle and enjoyed them all.  Then we also brought home some ginger drops and anise squares from the nickle candy bin.

IMG_1975_shareIf you are wanting ice cream though, I would recommend trying theirs.  Their scoops are huge, but very reasonably priced. They are open as long as people are coming in the store, so if you are driving by Franklin IN, and wanting ice cream, check to see if they are open.

Have you ever?

HatchingHave you ever watched a caterpillar eating its way out of its egg?  Audrey was examining this egg under a microscope when she noticed the caterpillar trying to get out.  We watched it from the time it looked like an air bubble in the egg until the caterpillar was completely out and looking for food.

This is an Eastern Black Swallowtail on a piece of dill.

Ashley Drake Inn

IMG_2117_shareWe were so excited to be able to stay at the Ashley Drake Inn again during Andrea’s tournament.  It has been a few years since being there, but Kim Smith treated us as old friends and we enjoyed time to catch up some.

We stayed in the Heritage Room which was plenty big for the three of us.  Kim still makes wonderful breakfasts and has a large selection of tea to chose from.

IMG_2079_shareAfter Andrea’s tournament, we had hoped to explore. However, it started to rain, hard, and we stayed inside most of the afternoon relaxing.  Just for fun, we experimented with my camera!

IMG_2111_shareThe Inn’s garden is just starting to bloom and I am sure it will be beautiful once all the flowers pop.  Kim sent us home with mint starters and some flowers for Audrey’s butterflies.  We are hoping that they all survived the trip!


Final Four

IMG_2018.Line upAndrea played in a “final four” tournament this weekend.  We knew it would be a very tough game, Allan had looked up stats before the tournament.

Part of team
Part of Team

The girls played hard.  Andrea did a few things she rarely has the opportunity to do.  On one play, she ran the whole field, supporting the striker who had no one else keeping up with her.  I am not sure what she did for the other play, but I heard the other moms start chattering about Andrea. They excitedly talked about it for a long time!

State cupUnfortunately, the tournament was a single elimination game and they lost by one point (0-1), due to a penalty shot. Both teams were so close in abilities, if they played again, they would probably win or tie. Since it was single elimination, it was not an accurate portrayal of who was the best of the four teams competing.

However, the girls played a great season and they made it to the finals.  I am proud of them.


The Tea Party

Tea party

Party 2Megan was given two dolls from a lady at church.  They are very old dolls.  The one’s eyes open and close and the dress is falling apart from age.  The other doll and dress is in better condition and the hair and eyes are painted on. I am guessing they are from the 1950’s because they look similar to a larger doll my mom owns.

Kayak Day Trip

Leaving boat launch28 May 2016_shareThis weekend, the kids were invited to go kayaking with a friend.  Poppa Wood volunteered to be their “trial guide”. My children have kayaked a little bit, but never for an extended time.  They learned quickly and enjoyed a morning on the river.Coming back

When they met up with us around noon, Allan took the younger two for a short “spin” around.  Then we spent the early afternoon talking and enjoying a picnic with the Woods.  It was a great way to spend a Saturday!